Friday, December 9, 2011


time will be documented.
I don't expect many people to read, or care, about my time spent. As a challenge to myself, and as a way to be held accountable...I decided to start a blog documenting how I spend my time. Much like budgeting money, time must be budgeted and it is equally important for me to see where my time is being wasted....
     .....and day 1.

[9:30]wake up, do homework (thatshouldhavebeendonelastnight) that is due at 6pm.
[11:00]realize there is no way i can finish this homework (thatihadsevendaystoworkon) before work at 3pm and come to terms with the fact that it will be submitted into the "late folder"
[11:30-1:00]paint my nails. okay okay. for most people this would raise a red flag already..but hear me out. i work in the service industry. people see my hands all day. it is important that i look clean and professional. as any southern woman would know, this look includes a perfect manicure. (imayormaynothavewatchedgossipgirlwhilethepolishwasdrying)
[1:00-2:00]get ready and drive (thirty) miles to work.
[10:00-11:00]make a trip to walmart (ihatewalmartbuttheyhavehellacheapgas) for gas and that i don't have to do it tomorrow :)

so today wasn't terrible, just wait though. it gets much worse. just wait 'till i have a day off work.
i hate using capital letters.

...and i am a procrastinator.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you didn't post yesterday, procrastinator. You're already behind.
