Monday, December 12, 2011


she's right. I missed yesterday. I forgot was taking a day off.  :)
after all, sunday is a day of rest right? 

on with day we'll call it 2:

[8:00]wake up and go to school to start exams at 9
[9:00]hurry into classroom with seconds to spare. wrong class. wrong test time. exams are wednesday.
I don't need any more moments like that this week.
[9:10]arrive at the library to start finish some homework that was due at 6 pm tonight.
[12:30-2:00]i stare at the computer screen blankly because some bitch beside me thinks it's appropriate to bring her crying baby, talk on her cellphone and listen to load music. IN THE LIBRARY. DURING FINALS WEEK. but i'm not bitter.
el fin. 
((also, my blogger account is all in spanish now. not sure why. it's not necessarily a bad thing...just don't know how it changed over. meh, i could use the practice :) ))
my aderall from studying wasn't through yet. so i cleaned.
[6:30-7:30]made some ants on a log (imayhaveusedchocolatechipsinsteadofraisens-whateverceleryhasnegativecaloriesanywah) and ate them up. yummy in my tummy.
[7:30-present]made on online christmas list for my momma.  :) 

i can't wait for christmas!! i love everything about, food, family,'s so fun! but of course there's only 13 days till christmas...and i haven't yet gone gift shopping

...and i am a procrastinator.


Friday, December 9, 2011


time will be documented.
I don't expect many people to read, or care, about my time spent. As a challenge to myself, and as a way to be held accountable...I decided to start a blog documenting how I spend my time. Much like budgeting money, time must be budgeted and it is equally important for me to see where my time is being wasted....
     .....and day 1.

[9:30]wake up, do homework (thatshouldhavebeendonelastnight) that is due at 6pm.
[11:00]realize there is no way i can finish this homework (thatihadsevendaystoworkon) before work at 3pm and come to terms with the fact that it will be submitted into the "late folder"
[11:30-1:00]paint my nails. okay okay. for most people this would raise a red flag already..but hear me out. i work in the service industry. people see my hands all day. it is important that i look clean and professional. as any southern woman would know, this look includes a perfect manicure. (imayormaynothavewatchedgossipgirlwhilethepolishwasdrying)
[1:00-2:00]get ready and drive (thirty) miles to work.
[10:00-11:00]make a trip to walmart (ihatewalmartbuttheyhavehellacheapgas) for gas and that i don't have to do it tomorrow :)

so today wasn't terrible, just wait though. it gets much worse. just wait 'till i have a day off work.
i hate using capital letters.

...and i am a procrastinator.